This project supports the U.S. Air Force in oversight and preparation for the addition of fighter aircraft to Nellis Air Force Base. The objective of this effort is to implement the Environmental Impact Analysis Process (EIAP) by completing the preparation of a Description of the Proposed Action and Alternatives (DOPAA), an Environmental Assessment (EA), and other documentation to determine potential impacts of the Proposed Action and Alternatives, addressing and analyzing all resource areas.
EAS will perform all work associated with the identification of applicable legal requirements, identification of necessary notification, analyses, investigations, studies, and other work related to the preparation of the EA analyzing the Proposed Action, no action alternative, and reasonable range of alternatives and support the Air Force in the execution of the EA requirements, and the development of related studies and documentation to determine potential impacts of the Proposed Action and Alternatives. EAS will determine and document the environmental consequences of the Proposed Action and Alternative actions, providing sufficient, documented information to either result in a FONSI or in a determination that an EIS is required.