Employee bio

Matt Paulsen

Project manager- Matt Paulsen

Matt Paulsen is a Biologist with over 7 years of experience working in various fields of the Natural Resource Management sector. Matt’s experience encompasses management and oversight of projects, scheduling and coordinating field work and field staff, tracking budgets, and generating high level scientific reports. Field work experience includes aquatic plant surveys, salmonid sampling and spawning ground surveying, small mammal trapping, maintenance and operation of various environmental data collection instruments, and captaining small research vessels – inflatable oar frame rafts and 25 foot motor boats. He is currently pursuing SCUBA certification and is IACUC certified. Matt has also completed OSHA 30-hour training.

Areas of study that Matt has participated in are made up of a broad range of species including salmonids, ground squirrels, desert tortoise, bats, leopard frogs, bald eagles, and trapping of various invertebrate species such as ticks, mosquitos, and beetles. Habitat-based projects that Matt has worked on in the past include atmospheric data collection, Leaf Area Index (LAI) protocols, and aquatic plant surveying and mapping.

Matt has an extensive skill-set that includes experience collecting data with high-accuracy GPS units (Trimble), mapping and manipulating data with GIS software (ESRI ArcMap), generating technical reports using the Microsoft Office suite of products, collecting temperature data (HOBO loggers), and operating various aquatic data collection tools (SUNA, Multisonde).

When not working, Matt enjoys spending time skiing, mountain biking and other activities in the woods with his dog, Bailey.


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