Environmental Compliance
Protecting Resources
From government agencies to private industries, federal, state, local, and tribal statutes and regulations must be followed in order to protect our resources, including rare species and habitats as well as cultural and historic resources.
This work requires fostering effective communications between clients and multiple state and federal regulatory agencies. EAS has a long history assisting governmental agencies and private clients with environmental compliance matters and meeting their obligations to preserve important resources and minimize impacts to affected resources under these laws.
EAS interfaces and coordinates with clients to develop, maintain, and interpret applicability of existing environmental documents pertaining to NEPA, air and water permitting, waste planning, environmental planning schedules, sustainability, ecological and cultural resources, and risk analysis.
EAS also specializes in conducting field studies to determine if proposed project activities, such as installing or removing facilities and building pipelines or power transmission lines will comply with all federal and state legal requirements.
EAS develops high quality, legally defensible compliance
services including, full NEPA compliance services; Environmental Impact Studies (EIS), Environmental Assessments (EA), Biological Assessments (BA), cultural resource archaeological site testing and evaluation; wetland delineations; remedial Investigation and Feasibility Studies (RI/FS) of hazardous waste sites; hazardous waste management programs, and air/water quality compliance.
Our in-depth understanding of federal and state regulations and important ecological and cultural resources, our experience working with regulators, tribes, and stakeholders, and access to existing data all help us streamline the compliance process for our clients and build sound environmental programs that will ensure long-term compliance.