Field tools & technology
Tools & Tech
EAS relies on these state-of-the-art tools and additional customized technology and equipment to conduct a wide range of field surveys and sampling campaigns tailored to meet individual project needs. Specific tools and applications include the following:
- Liquid-tip Trident probe. A customized tool for safely and successfully locating groundwater upwellings in offshore waters and sampling and characterizing pore water, surface water, sediment, and soil in complex, normally difficult-to-sample riverbed substrates.
- Specialized tools and technologies to sample surface water, groundwater/pore water, sediment and soil, plankton, coral and deepwater communities, fish, shellfish, and other macroinvertebrates, and other biota
- Specialized vessels outfitted with davits, capstans, underwater cameras, radar, sonar, onboard computers, and specialized equipment for various boat operations and project needs.
- Geographic information systems (GIS) for reporting results in electronic formats with spatial illustration.
- Global positioning systems (GPS) – high-accuracy (sub-meter), real-time, correction-based spatial mapping tools.
- Remote monitoring video cameras and other monitoring tools, including bat echolocation detectors.
- Specialized sampling tools for collecting data on a variety of plants, fish, wildlife, and other biota.

Collecting marine plankton samples using a multiple opening/closing net

Collecting sediment samples in the Columbia River

Remote data collection utilizing camera traps

Deploying liquid trident probe
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