EAS is reviewing and updating five existing Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans (INRMPs) within Naval Facilities Engineering System Command’s (NAVFAC’s) area of responsibility for Naval Submarine Base New London (NSBNL) in Connecticut, Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek/Fort Story (JEBLCFS) in Virginia, Naval Station Norfolk (NSN) in Virginia, Naval Station Great Lakes (NSGL) in Illinois, and Naval Weapons Station Yorktown (NWSY) in Virginia.
NRMPs are used for the management, enhancement, and protection of natural resources on Department of Defense lands. Individual installations are required to develop and implement a balanced integrated natural resource program that is consistent with the military mission and to sustain the long-term ecological integrity of the resource base and ecosystem services it provides. The natural resource program’s tasks are accomplished through the implementation of the INRMP. As part of this process, biological surveys are essential for collecting critical data and identifying resources that need to be addressed in management prescriptions. This information provides a sound basis for implementing natural resource projects programmed in the INRMP.