EAS is now the Prime Contractor providing Biological Services at the McNary, Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, Little Goose, and Lower Granite Dams. Services provided include sampling of juvenile fish, calculating expanded facility collection counts, facility inspections, gatewell dipping, and fish salvage efforts. In addition to the listed services, EAS also monitors weather and water temperature data at the McNary dam site. Data collected by EAS staff include species composition, average weights of fish, descaling/injury rates, and symptoms of gas bubble trauma. The data collected by EAS staff provides insight on the health of the fish populations in the Lower Columbia and Snake River systems, and inform decisions made by US Army Corps of Engineers representatives and Biologists.
Along with the biological sampling, EAS also performs various inspections of dam infrastructure that are related to fish passage. This includes inspecting turbine unit gatewells, submerged traveling screens, juvenile collection channels, and fish counting, sorting, and holding facilities to name a few.