For several years, EAS has provided technical expertise for designing restoration plans and implementing restoration activities on shrub-steppe habitat to meet land-use objectives and field activities supporting re-vegetation and re-contouring in support of Department of Energy’s land stewardship obligations on the Hanford Site, WA.  

EAS provides on-site technical oversight during revegetation activities and identifies the types of revegetation activities that should be performed across each site being revegetated, such as re-contouring, soil decompaction, shrub planting and seeding.  EAS is also responsible for observing general conditions of the plants, seeds, and mulch to ensure they appear healthy prior to use.  EAS provides maps/photo overlays and tables identifying revegetation activities, their location, associated acreages, quantities and types of shrubs planted, and seeds applied over the project area.  Our personnel collect seed from native plants on the Site as prescribed in the revegetation plans for direct seeding or greenhouse plantings. Our staff specialize in locating, identifying, and collecting a wide variety of native plants to be included in restoration projects. 

We look forward to beginning a new field season in the coming months, collecting native seeds and processing them for use in upcoming re-vegetation projects. 

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