March 2020

Native Freshwater Mussels

EAS, working with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, conducted snorkel surveys in the Hanford Reach to locate, identify, and measure freshwater mussel species inhabiting near-shore habitats. The study was intended to provide a more comprehensive characterization of freshwater mussel species composition and distribution in the Hanford Reach, estimate mussel densities, and determine the age structure of […]

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Willamette Spawning Surveys

During 2018 and 2019 EAS, under subcontract with Normandeau Associates, provided monitoring and evaluation services for the U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District, NWP Hatchery Program related to the mitigation production and release of spring Chinook salmon into the Willamette Basin. EAS developed a study plan to successfully complete chinook salmon carcass collections and

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