Commercial Entities

Section 106 Support near Fort Walla Walla, Washington

Under contract with TD&H Engineering, EAS staff completed a cultural resources inventory report for the VIllage at Fort Walla Walla in Walla Walla County, Washington. This project included  a literature review, archaeological survey, and subsurface testing to identify historical properties that may be affected by the proposed development of approximately 10 acres for a residential apartment […]

Section 106 Support near Fort Walla Walla, Washington Read More »

Biological Surveys Supporting EIS on the Hanford Site

Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor Biological Surveys for Cascade Natural Gas EAS staff conducted botanical and wildlife surveys supporting the development of an EIS to identify and quantify potential environmental impacts of constructing, operating, and maintaining a natural gas pipeline on DOE and non-DOE lands. Crews conducted surveys to verify and update baseline information included in

Biological Surveys Supporting EIS on the Hanford Site Read More »

Short-Term Effects of Petroleum Exposure and the Process of Petroleum Removal on Northern Leopard Frogs (Rana pipiens)

A study was completed to test the short-term effects of oil exposure and removal of oil on frogs (Rana pipiens) in a captive setting, designed to mimic a spill response, and determine the efficacy of washing with detergent and rinsing, rinsing only, or no treatment as methods of care for short-term survival of frogs affected

Short-Term Effects of Petroleum Exposure and the Process of Petroleum Removal on Northern Leopard Frogs (Rana pipiens) Read More »

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