January 2023

Forest Management for Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Townsend Bombing Range

EAS is providing forest management services for the Townsend Bombing Range (TBR) encompasses approximately 33,895 acres on the boundary of McIntosh and Long Counties, GA.  TBR is owned by the Department of the Navy and is managed by the Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS).  Tasks for this project include site preparation, herbicide treatment, vegetation control, […]

Forest Management for Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Townsend Bombing Range Read More »

Development of Preservation Planning Documents for Norfolk Naval Shipyard

EAS is developing preservation planning tools to support proposed future construction, rehabilitation and other work at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, Virginia to support Navy compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and National Environmental Policy Act.  The Norfolk Naval Shipyard consists of the main site and several annexes. The work is associated with

Development of Preservation Planning Documents for Norfolk Naval Shipyard Read More »

Historic Land Use Study and Phase I Archaeological Survey Investigations at Norfolk Naval Shipyard Annexes and Areas, Portsmouth, VA

EAS is preparing a phase I intensive archaeological survey and inventory project at Norfolk Naval Shipyard Annexes and Areas in Virginia.  A desktop archaeological characterization study in the form of a simple historic land use study is being completed prior to the survey. The areas being surveyed are located within three NNSY, satellite annexes and

Historic Land Use Study and Phase I Archaeological Survey Investigations at Norfolk Naval Shipyard Annexes and Areas, Portsmouth, VA Read More »

Phase I Archaeological Survey and Inventory at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story

EAS is preparing a phase I intensive archaeological survey and inventory project at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story in Virginia, to determine if additional archaeological sites are present within approximately 39 acres of survey areas.  Pedestrian surveys were completed within ocean-side, survey sub-areas located in the swash- and fire-dune, talus-slope zones while other survey

Phase I Archaeological Survey and Inventory at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story Read More »

INRMP Updates for Naval Facilities Engineering System Command

EAS is reviewing and updating five existing Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans (INRMPs) within Naval Facilities Engineering System Command’s (NAVFAC’s) area of responsibility for Naval Submarine Base New London (NSBNL) in Connecticut, Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek/Fort Story (JEBLCFS) in Virginia, Naval Station Norfolk (NSN) in Virginia, Naval Station Great Lakes (NSGL) in Illinois, and

INRMP Updates for Naval Facilities Engineering System Command Read More »

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