Environmental Planning/NEPA
EAS & NEPA Analysis
EAS approaches environmental planning and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) projects based on a thorough understanding of the provisions of NEPA, Council on Environmental Quality regulations, and agency specific regulations. We understand how to scale the effort to complete the appropriate level of NEPA analysis in support of the decision-making process while maximizing schedule and budget.

Experienced with NEPA Compliance
Our deep experience in the field provides for solid, knowledge-based application of impact analysis principles. With in-house capability to perform associated studies such as survey and restoration planning, EAS can support NEPA and planning efforts from the establishment of baseline conditions through full impacts analysis. Because we are often involved in early planning efforts, we work closely with our federal clients to evaluate approaches to correct long-term impacts where feasible. Our staff have experience in every aspect of NEPA compliance from scoping and alternatives development, to public involvement and agency coordination.
Using our standardized issue-based-screening approach, EAS NEPA teams work in unison following parallel processes that systematically identify and address the specific issues relative to the decision at hand. This approach provides our clients with products that focus on the information needed to make informed decisions. The EAS structured, systematic approach to NEPA and related environmental review not only results in much more efficient environmental reviews in terms of time and costs, but also much more effective results, including clearly documented conclusions and – most importantly –projects that are better for clients, as well as for our nation’s communities, economies and environments.