
Data Quality Objectives and Sampling Plan Development

EAS was contracted by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation to develop a Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP), Quality Assurance Plan (QAPP), and companion field sampling protocols for the 100-F Area on the Hanford Site to serve as a template for the contractor. Staff provided technical assistance to finalize the template and supported […]

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Advising the Salmon Recovery Funding Board

EAS personnel advised the State of Washington Recreation and Conservation Office’s Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) on key elements of its monitoring program. Staff supported creation and development of a functional adaptive management framework with clearly defined expectations and outlined a process for timely implementation of the framework. EAS’s role included evaluating components of the

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Section 106 Support near Fort Walla Walla, Washington

Under contract with TD&H Engineering, EAS staff completed a cultural resources inventory report for the VIllage at Fort Walla Walla in Walla Walla County, Washington. This project included  a literature review, archaeological survey, and subsurface testing to identify historical properties that may be affected by the proposed development of approximately 10 acres for a residential apartment

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Biological Surveys Supporting EIS on the Hanford Site

Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor Biological Surveys for Cascade Natural Gas EAS staff conducted botanical and wildlife surveys supporting the development of an EIS to identify and quantify potential environmental impacts of constructing, operating, and maintaining a natural gas pipeline on DOE and non-DOE lands. Crews conducted surveys to verify and update baseline information included in

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Environmental Consulting Support for Warmhouse Beach Dump

EAS was contracted by the Makah Tribe to provide review of technical documents of the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study of the Warmhouse Beach Dump Superfund Project and to provide field oversight of selected sampling events. EAS also reviewed methods for quantifying exposure for Tribal ecological pathways and provided input to improve characterizations. 

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Methow River Safety Assessment

EAS was selected by the Yakama Nation to conduct a safety assessment along a stretch of the Methow River between Twisp and Carlton, Washington. The project was conducted to evaluate river conditions, recreational use, and hazards utilizing proven research techniques. The data was collected to inform fish habitat restoration projects, which can include the placement

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Wetland Mitigation Monitoring

The City of Richland selected EAS to conduct a multi-year project monitoring a wetland mitigation site at Columbia Park Trail and Queensgate Drive in Richland, Washington. The mitigation was required for the Queensgate-Columbia Park Trail Improvements  Project located in the vicinity. Mitigation monitoring includes 5 years of photopoint collection, line-intercept transects to determine canopy cover,

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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

EAS is providing highly specialized expertise and technical services to execute the overarching objectives and goals of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) Action Plan.  EAS is providing all personnel and supervision necessary to manage multiple task orders simultaneously at multiple locations.  Tasks performed in this program include conducting watershed studies, preparing watershed management plans,

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Read More »

U.S. Air Force, Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision for the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Housing Privatization

EAS has been subcontracted to provide a wide range of environmental services in support of completing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the privatization of the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) Housing. EAS coordinated kick-off conference call/meeting prepared a draft Project Management Plan (PMP). The PMP includes a project schedule, tracking progress, assigning appropriate personnel

U.S. Air Force, Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision for the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Housing Privatization Read More »

U.S. Air Force, Environmental Impact Statement, Nellis Air Force Base

In support of maintaining regulatory compliance for efforts to expand the mission capability at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, EAS is preparing a comprehensive analytic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that includes all necessary information to evaluate potential impacts from proposed implementation of the Master Plan and Mission rebalance actions at Nellis AFB. EAS is

U.S. Air Force, Environmental Impact Statement, Nellis Air Force Base Read More »

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